Enhanced Focus on Maltreatment for the 2022-23 Season

RED DEER – Hockey Alberta is recruiting five volunteers to oversee investigations and decision-making pertaining to Maltreatment infractions and allegations based on discriminatory grounds.

The appointment of a Maltreatment Officer and four Maltreatment Investigators is part of the ongoing work to provide a safe and inclusive environment for all hockey participants by establishing a consistent process for investigation and decision-making pertaining to allegations of Maltreatment and Discrimination.

To facilitate these new positions, Hockey Alberta has amended its ‘Maltreatment, Bullying and Harassment’ Policy.

Full details on the policy, Section 11 – Maltreatment in the Hockey Canada rulebook, and the online reporting form for incidents of Maltreatment and Discrimination can be found on the Hockey Alberta website:

Maltreatment, Bullying and Harassment >

The Maltreatment Officer will work with Hockey Alberta staff to set out the requirements and guidelines for the investigation and adjudication process, as well as ensuring investigations are completed in accordance with Hockey Alberta Policy. The Maltreatment Officer will receive reports from the Maltreatment Investigators and issue all decisions. The Maltreatment Officer has been selected for the 2022-23 season.

The Maltreatment Investigators will conduct all investigations and/or hearings related to infractions and allegations based on discriminatory grounds. The Investigators will compile written reports of their findings and recommendations and submit them to the Maltreatment Officer.

Hockey Alberta is seeking qualified applicants to fill the Maltreatment Investigator positions. Included with this Bulletin is the Maltreatment Investigator Job Description. Qualified applicants should have strong communication, questioning, interview and analytical skills, and knowledge of Hockey Canada/ Hockey Alberta Bylaws and Regulations, Human Rights Legislation, Natural Justice and sanctioning to influence positive behavior.

Those interested in applying are encouraged to submit their application HERE.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Hockey Alberta office by email at